Ro-Ghoul Wiki
Ro-Ghoul Wiki
WorkingSign Information is outdated

The item this page documents was updated recently. Please help the Ro-Ghoul Wiki by updating the page to cover new and changed additions!

Reason for outdated info: Two new gamepasses related to CCG case cosmetics have been added.

Game passes in Ro-Ghoul are available passes that can be bought in the game's store section with robux which upgrades your progression in the game. Gamepasses in the game are only in-game benefits, they are optional.


  • If you buy the following three gamepasses, you will unlock the in-game setting to set your hair to white: 2x Experience, 2x Yen, 2x Rep
  • At some point, the gamepasses received an update to their icons. The old icons are viewable in the gallery.


Name Description Price Logo
2x Experience Thank you for your support (:

Get 2x experience!

250 R$
2xEXP Gamepass
2x Yen Thank you for your support (:

Get 2x yen!

250 R$
2xYEN Gamepass
2x Reputation Thank you for your support (:

Get 2x reputation!

250 R$
2xREP Gamepass
Halved Trainer Cooldown Thank you for your support (:

Reduce training cooldown in half!

250 R$
HalvedTrainers Gamepass
Infinite Redo Focus Redo your focus infinitely!

Thank you for your support (:

250 R$
RedoFocus Gamepass
Color Picking Gives you the ability to change your colors to any color that you want! This also allows you to pick 76 MORE colors than before, and completely forget about the color randomizing! Owning this gamepass and clicking "PICK YOUR COLOR" on the bottom right of the kagune/quinque with give you access to the color picking screen. From there, you can choose your color! 2,800 R$ (30% off price)
Color picking


Ro-Ghoul Wiki
Information UpdatesCodesGamepassesGhoulCCGYenRC CellsReputationFocusCategory:LocationsNPCBossesTrainersMasksColorsCommandsKing of the Hill
Locations AnteikuMask ShopArenaKamii UniversityKakuhou SurgeonStadiumParking LotsMarketCargo BaseRadio TowerParking GarageConstruction SiteCCG TowerCCG LabParkGas StationTrain TracksMister's WarehouseStorefront
Kagunes KakujaKanekiToukaNishikiTsukiyamaHinamiEtoNoroYamoriTakizawaKosshiPumpkin iconTataraLycanPumpkin iconKakujiraRenji YomoKoutarou AmonFurutaTonakai
Quinques C-KatanaEyepatchClipped WingDoujima13's JasonDemon YamadaIXANarukamiT-HumanRotten FollowKuraScorpion 1/56KajiriKaikaPumpkin iconGinkuiSSS OwlHigher MindReaperPumpkin iconSilver SkullAmatsuArata
Quinx Haise SasakiKuki UrieSaiko YonebayashiTooru MutsukiGinshi Shirazu
Specials SacrificeSkyfallEjectorSpearConcussor
Policies Manual of StyleMinimum AgeRulesStaffing Opportunities